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Men Dating Taller Ladies - Success Tips

There are a lot of really tall women out there. And there are a lot of not-so-tall men who are attracted by them. But many feel that males dating taller women is an impossibility. Here are some tips for you shorter men that can prove this wrong.

  1. Don't make it an issue. Maybe you've tried approaching taller ladies before only to become shunned or laughed at. Maybe you've never even attempted it out of worry or intimidation. Here's one thing you need to understand. Most tall ladies are perfectly good with the fact that they are tall and you should be too. If you feel intimidated, it's because you are creating that sensation yourself. Most tall ladies are not going to purposefully try to intimidate anyone. Their height is not something they will use against you. Like any women, tall women care about what type of guy you are. Not how tall (or short) you are.
  2. Whatever you do... do NOT use the cheesy tall- ladies joke ranges. Do you think that tall women have never noticed them? that you are the first to display your "witty" self "? Do you want to make an impression? Don't even bring up the issue of height in any way, shape or type - hers or yours. Talk about something, anything, else.
  3. Sadly, this seems to be one of the harder jobs for males dating taller women. Tall women want to be cuddled as well. Hold their hand, place your arms around them. Wine and dine them. Maybe because of their height, they appear to strong to need this type of attention. But they do. Show them that you love them for his or her height without making an issue out of it.
  4. Ditch the sexual anxiety that you won't measure up in the bedroom. In terms of sex, everyone is the same height.
  5. This is a pretty apparent one but it's easy to do and makes a difference. Stop slouching and constantly practice good posture. Standing up straight not only makes you look taller, it actually makes you act and feel more confident. Always stand up straight with your shoulders squared. Make the most of your physical frame.
  6. When in doubt, look at the stars. All of these well-known on-the-short-side fellas are dating (or married to) taller ladies: Michael J. Fox, Martin Sheen, Al Pacino, Tom Cruise, Emilio Estevez, Dustin Hoffman, and Prince, to mention a few just.
  7. Stop worrying about how many other people think. If however you be among those gentlemen dating taller women, are you aware how many other males are thinking if they see the couple mutually? They're thinking... "he should be filthy loaded " or they're thinking... "he should be great between the sheets ". Pretty good, huh?
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